Last call for ftp, my host/publisher, is discontinuing ftp support for postings. Ending it tonight. I have to figure out how to migrate to one of the two available alternative forms of publishing the blog posts. I'm an old dog, ftp is just blended into the seams between my keystrokes.
A dilemma.
An old sea dog, stuck in the currents from the earlier bit stream. I feel this white cap cresting into place next to other strokes in my little skiff. I may take another bearing to find my way, next up the river, down the coast, over the horizon.
Easy does it. It may be a while before I come back this way, so take care, be good to yourself.
A dilemma.
An old sea dog, stuck in the currents from the earlier bit stream. I feel this white cap cresting into place next to other strokes in my little skiff. I may take another bearing to find my way, next up the river, down the coast, over the horizon.
Easy does it. It may be a while before I come back this way, so take care, be good to yourself.
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